The following software products will soon be available from the Axsys Technology Ltd. software division, free of charge. We request that you register before you download. Any information you provide will remain confidential.
This document contains the following sections. Click one of these headings to jump to that section. Press home to return to the top of the document.
Demo Programs
PKWARE data compression utilites
AutoCAD Lisp Utilities
Misc Conversion Utils
Data-Shaper Symbol Files
Data-Shaper Entity map Files
Shape-Shifter Templates
AutoCAD Font Files
Downloading Tips...
Click on the program name to download (applies only to those names that are hi-lited as linked text). Many files are in compressed format by PKZIP version 2.04g for maximum compression. The syntax to decompress these files is PKUNZIP
Shape-Shifter 1.7 (500K)
- the demo version is fully functional, though it limits conversions
to 10 character and reminds you to license a copy.
Layer Tool (1K)
- a versatile layer handling utility that allows you
to set layers on, off, color, linetype, or move objects by selecting
Figure Utility (1K)
- a layer management tool that allows layer groups
to be stored then recalled by selecting a figure number.
Fence Tool (1K)
- creates fence lines or other object laden lines by adding blocks,
text, or other line object along a polyline. Works like an enhanced
"measure" command.
Copy-2-Layer (1K)
- parse entities in a drawings into layers based on entity color.
Layer-2-Text (1K)
- creates a text entity conisting of layer name by clicking
on any given entity.
Xcoord-2-Date (1K)
- creates a date as a text entity based on the selected entity's X
coordinate - basis selectable as Lotus, MS-Excel, AutoCAD, or Data-Shaper
"julian" date values.
Date-2-Xcoord (1K)
- supplies the X coordinate for date alignments when supplied
with a date MM/DD/YY string - basis selectable as Lotus, MS-Excel, AutoCAD,
or Data-Shaper "julian" date values.
Distance & Bearing (1K)
- creates a text entity of the distance and bearing (angle) of a line by
clicking on a given line or polyline segment (surveyors & mapping tool).
Join-2-plines (1K)
- joins 2 polylines by clicking the ends to be connected.
Demos Programs
3.3 (500K)
- the demo version is fully functional, though it limits the number
of lines of data it converts and reminds you to license a copy.PKWARE Shareware
PKWARE Inc., zip/unzip uitilites (75K)
- Shareware/commercial programs for compressing and/or decompressing files.
This is one utility program that no computer user should be without. The
UNZIP program is required to access many of the files listed below. If you
don't already have an unzipping program, download PKWARE's software.AutoCAD Lisp Utilites
Polyline Tool (1K)
- a versatile polyline processing tool that allows
several polylines to be edited (e.g. widths) at once, or create multiple
polylines by selecting lines by a window.
MS-LIB (55K)
- MS binary run-time library file.
- the summary document with descriptions and usage details of all the
utilities in this section (text file).
- a code stripping utility that extracts only the printable ASCII text
from any word processor file or program to create a text file.
- converts DBF files to comma delimited files or as space justifed
ASCII tables.
- converts comma delimited files or space justifed ASCII tables to
DBF files.
- converts comma delimited files to space justified ASCII tables.
- converts space justified ASCII tables to comma delimited files.
- converts binary CSI stock market files to space justified ASCII tables
or comma delimited files.
- strips AutoCAD lisp files of comments and extra spaces to minimum size.
- plotting utility that uses DOS copy command to send plot or any file
to printer. Accepts wildcard filespecs and extracts and plots files
from a ZIP file for minimum disk space requirements.
- converts the output text file of the RESQ Fortran model to a comma
delimited file or as space justifed ASCII tables.
S&R (8K)
- versatile search and replace program that works on any length file,
text or binary. Ideal for large DXF files or for changing fonts in a
PostScript file.
PRN_INS2 (11K)
- processes long space justified ASCII tables or comma delimited files;
sorts then inserts blank lines and/or parses data blocks to individual files
based on the change in value of a specified field. Also can add header
lines to the file(s).
- converts the output of the WildSoft's survey program to a comma delimited
file or space justified ASCII table.
- converts a text file to one that a wordprocessor would like. Removes
extra "hard" returns (single CR-LFs) amongst lines of a paragraph, also
replaces white space with tabs except for designated lines.
- converts comma-delimited data files to a Lotus format 'structured files' for
import to Lotus spreadsheet. All values are separated by commas, text is
surrounded by "quotes" and empty fields are filled with a pair of quotes "".
HHCC10 (9K)
- converts all filename references in HTML files to upport or lower case
based on command line switch. Also create map file of all unique filenames
refered to be HREF= OR SRC=.
Misc Conversion Utilites
Note: The following utilities are MS-DOS programs that require a Microsoft
run-time library file that can be placed in your DOS directory.
SYMDS001 (50K)
- symbol set for civil design in DXF format.
SYMDS002 (50K)
- symbol set for electrical design in DXF format.
SYMDS003 (50K)
- symbol set for surveying & mapping in DXF format.
SYMDS004 (50K)
- symbol set for architecture in DXF format.
SYMDS005 (50K)
- symbol set with 3D virtual reality objects in DXF format.
SYMDS006 (50K)
- symbol set populated with plants and animals in DXF format.
Data-Shaper Symbol Files
SYMDS000 (50K)
- default symbol file as supplied with Data-Shaper 3.3 in DXF format.
MAPDS001 (2K)
- the DXF entity map file for Data-Shaper 3.3 in CDF format for ACAD version 11.
MAPDS002 (2K)
- the DXF entity map file for Data-Shaper 3.3 in CDF format for ACAD version 12.
MAPDS003 (2K)
- the DXF entity map file for Data-Shaper 3.3 in CDF format for ACAD version 13.
Data-Shaper Entity map Files
MAPDS003 (2K)
- the DXF entity map file for Data-Shaper 3.3 in CDF format for ACAD version 10.
Shape-Shifter Templates
TPLSS000 (37K)
- the default template as supplied with Shape-Shifter 1.7 in DXF format.
FNTSS001 (12K)
- the 'Data-Shaper' font as supplied with Shape-Shifter
1.7 (222 chars) in SHP format.
FNTSS002 (12K)
- hand printing used for drafting (200 chars) in SHP format.
FNTSS003 (12K)
- helvetica-like outline font (200 chars) in SHP format.
AutoCAD Font Files
FNTSS000 (12K)
- the 'Shape-Shifter' font as supplied with Shape-Shifter
1.7 (222 chars) in SHP format.